Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Hello, welcome to my new blog.  I have never really thought about having a blog, maybe because I'm not exactly sure what I would want to say. Yet, for now I will introduce myself. I am an English major with a minor in Secondary Education.  I am a transfer student coming form Eastern New Mexico University, but this is my second year as a Red Raider.  I hope to graduate in the next year, and being my career as an educator.  In my spare time I enjoy singing, reading, and the occasional party! Thanks for listening and see you next time.

Practicing Concision

A short stories that I think would work thematically for this class Ernest Hemingway's "Hills Like White Elephants".  This short story is made up of only dialouge, and it is very concise which forces the audience to pay attention to the narration.  Most of Hemingways works are written in very sparse language, which could be helpful in teaching a student to learn how to write more concise narratives.