Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Practicing Concision

A short stories that I think would work thematically for this class Ernest Hemingway's "Hills Like White Elephants".  This short story is made up of only dialouge, and it is very concise which forces the audience to pay attention to the narration.  Most of Hemingways works are written in very sparse language, which could be helpful in teaching a student to learn how to write more concise narratives.


  1. I like this idea of a short story of just dialogue! It sounds interesting, and almost like a play. I've not heard of it, and would be interested in knowing more of what it was about!
    I also think it would be a good lesson for the class in helping with writing more "concise narratives."

  2. I've never been to big on reading, I mostly do it out of necessity for classes, but I have read a few books in my lifetime. I can actually count the books I've read from front to cover on two hands and still have a a couple fingers left over. That being said, the only ones that really interested me were both fiction and non-fiction books related to war. As a veteran I feel a some sort of weird connection to the story and having gone through what I have gone through, it's easier for me to relate to the stories. Some of the literature is so well described and the dialogue is so well written that it reminds me of my military days.
