Tuesday, February 14, 2012

2-7 late

Recently in my issues in composition class, we viewed The Colbert show during one of our classes.  I decided to use this as an example of something new that I have experienced in the world. I had never once viewed, or heard of, the Colbert Show, and initially would not have given the show a chance. At home, I would have quickly grabbed the remote and changed the channel. Yet, because we were in class, and my professor commented on how humorous the video was that we were about to view, I was actually interested in viewing the program. Now while I am reflecting on the situation, I realize that my openness to experiencing something new and my anxiousness to see the humorous video provided for a positive experience. I actually enjoyed the show, and laughed more than I thought I would. My immediate response made me believe that I would not be interested in something that I had not previously heard about. I assumed that since the video wasn’t viral, it could not have been “that great”. Yet, I did enjoy the show. I enjoyed the show so much I watched it once again in my spare time.  My previous opinion was negative, and it made me weary of the outcome. But when my professor presented the show in a way that appealed to me, the outcome was positive.

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