Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Are we tools or tool users?

Today with all the advanced technology, it would be easy to think of yourself as a tool in the whole communication web. Yet, I think that we are tool users. Without our knowledge of how to find information and new ideas, we would not be able to use these tools.  We would be the tools, but because we have to navigate our way through the technology that has been produced, we are tool users.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Visual Literacy

I feel like video is not so much text, but a different form of composition.  I know that video requires similar characteristics of creating composition like characters and setting.  So, both writing and video are different forms of composition.  In terms of visual literacy, different forms of media allow an audience to create their own interpretations, so visual literacy is a way of interpreting meanings from video media.  As an audience we interpret text and media in different ways, but they both allow an audience to form their own meanings and definitions of ideas.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

2-7 late

Recently in my issues in composition class, we viewed The Colbert show during one of our classes.  I decided to use this as an example of something new that I have experienced in the world. I had never once viewed, or heard of, the Colbert Show, and initially would not have given the show a chance. At home, I would have quickly grabbed the remote and changed the channel. Yet, because we were in class, and my professor commented on how humorous the video was that we were about to view, I was actually interested in viewing the program. Now while I am reflecting on the situation, I realize that my openness to experiencing something new and my anxiousness to see the humorous video provided for a positive experience. I actually enjoyed the show, and laughed more than I thought I would. My immediate response made me believe that I would not be interested in something that I had not previously heard about. I assumed that since the video wasn’t viral, it could not have been “that great”. Yet, I did enjoy the show. I enjoyed the show so much I watched it once again in my spare time.  My previous opinion was negative, and it made me weary of the outcome. But when my professor presented the show in a way that appealed to me, the outcome was positive.

Voting Style

I vote by the person that persuades me the most.  My voting style would seem to be a reflection of my own personal preferences.  Also, I do follow in the footsteps of my parents.  When I vote for different things if my family has participated in certain ideas, or traditions, I will keep them relevant by participating as well.  I think most people are influenced by their environment, so everyone probably encounters this same situation at one point or another.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Literacy Autobiography Rough Draft

Looking back (reflecting) on my education and everyday experience I have realized there are many different factors that led me to become the literate person that I am today. My mother is a big influence in my life and she has helped form me into a literate individual. I always think of my experience with the military, being a military brat, I thought only affected my communication skills and exposed me to diversity. Yet, in doing so, I received my literacy as well. Everything from my accent to the African American vernacular I thoughtlessly rumble out are reflections of my life’s journey into literacy.
                Being a military brat was a huge influence in my journey to literacy.  Growing up as a military brat every 3 to 4 years I went to a different school.  One place that I have lived was Atlanta, Georgia when I was in elementary school.  I don’t remember a lot of details from that age, but I do remember learning how to write paragraphs in the first grade.  My teacher was reviewing our paragraphs as we practiced making up sentences, and forming paragraphs. Mrs. Beasly read over my shoulder while I continued my sentences, and she asked me to bring my paper and come with her.  My teacher was very impressed with how well I caught on to the concept of paragraphs, and sent me to another classroom to help other students write paragraphs.  I can’t remember exactly how long we had been working on paragraphs, but I do remember the experience. I was not aware at the time that this was part of my journey to literacy, but now I see that this memorable experience is memorable because it was important to experience becoming literate.
                My eighth grade year at Ed White Middle School, in San Antonio Texas my teacher gave us a writing assignment, the topic was to write about being the best person we could be.  I ran with the opportunity, using my name Samantha Best as my gimmick, I wrote my paper.  The day that we turned in our assignment, we would have to read our papers aloud in front of the class.  I did not mind reading my paper, because I was the type of student who volunteered to read aloud in class. I would even go so far as to get irritated if the teacher picked the particularly slow readers, stutters, or people who read words wrong without correcting them. I practiced reciting mine in front of the bathroom mirror, because I was frantically ecstatic about reading my paper in front of the judges, if I did well in class.  As hoped, I made it to the competition.  Though I did not take a place and win a price, I have always been proud of myself for making it to the competition. This event in my life serves as an example of how being a military brat, who spent time mimicking her mother, to become a literate individual.  

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Hello, welcome to my new blog.  I have never really thought about having a blog, maybe because I'm not exactly sure what I would want to say. Yet, for now I will introduce myself. I am an English major with a minor in Secondary Education.  I am a transfer student coming form Eastern New Mexico University, but this is my second year as a Red Raider.  I hope to graduate in the next year, and being my career as an educator.  In my spare time I enjoy singing, reading, and the occasional party! Thanks for listening and see you next time.

Practicing Concision

A short stories that I think would work thematically for this class Ernest Hemingway's "Hills Like White Elephants".  This short story is made up of only dialouge, and it is very concise which forces the audience to pay attention to the narration.  Most of Hemingways works are written in very sparse language, which could be helpful in teaching a student to learn how to write more concise narratives.